performer, organizerr, motherrr, partnerrrr
Îmi place noaptea.
Într-o noapte mă plimbam singură într-o pădure. Era pădurea mea, poteca cunoscută.
Au fost timpuri cât copacii acopereau cerul. Era întuneric de numai picioarele știau cărarea.
Treceau fiorii prin mine. Mă opream. Așteptam. Porneam din nou.
Am observat că îmi place cum ochii mei se închid și se deschid în beznă. Fără niciun efort. Ochii își abandonează nevoia lor de a mă orienta, lasă picioarele să-mi fie ghidul.
Szeretem az éj szakát.
Egyik éjszaka egyedül sétáltam az erdőben. Jól ismertem az ösvényt, az én erdőm volt.
Voltak idők, amikor a fák lombjai eltakarták az eget. Olyan sötét volt, hogy csak a lábaim tudták az utat. Be voltam szarva. Megálltam. Vártam. Újra megindultam.
Észrevettem, hogy szeretem a könnyedséget, amint a szemeim a teljes sötétben nyílnak és csukódnak. Nincs semmi erőlködés, fókusz, a szemek elengedik orientációs kényszerüket és hagyják a lábaimat vezetni.
I love the night.
Once I walked through a forest alone, during the night. It was a well known pathway in my forest.
At moments trees covered completely the sky. Those times it was so dark that only my feet knew the path. I was shitting my pants off. Of course. Stopping. Checking. Proceeding. I started to notice that I loved the effortlessness of closing and opening my eyes in dense darkness. There is no attempt to focus, my eyes abandon their need for orientation and let my feet lead through.